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Specialists in all classes of Insurance
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About Us

Every organization starts somewhere; ours started as a small independent insurance brokerage in Calgary. From the first policy sold and the first employee hired the company has consistently taken a different approach from its competitors. We arrange insurance coverage for our customers based on their needs, not ours. We quote policies with the best coverage available from the companies that want to write the kind of business we are quoting. Juggling the coverage, the premium and the needs of all parties into a win win situation is our specialty. The customer wins with the best policy and rate for his needs, the company wins with the kind of customer they want to write, we win with the benefit of loyalty and respect in the way we put our insurance programs together for both our customers and our companies.
Putting successful programs like this together requires special people. The kinds of people who believe that if they put the best interests of their customers ahead of themselves, they will achieve the best returns for themselves. If anything describes this company best it is its fundamental belief that by doing the best job possible for its customers, it will meet its needs and those of its company partners as well as itself. Lundgren and Young Insurance Ltd. has grown from a small company in 1983 to a large major player in Alberta today. Our unique method of taking care of our customers and our employees will ensure our continued success in the years to come. You need to experience our dedication to meeting your needs. Contact Us today to review your insurance needs!

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